What is Justifiable?
Right now about 1/3 of Americans own guns, and in the FBI's last Supplemental Homicide Report, there were just "259 justifiable homicides", that is... armed police officers and/or private citizens who used their weapons for good. There were also 8,342 criminal homicides using guns, 20,666 suicides with guns, and 548 fatal unintentional shootings.
What would those numbers would look like if more citizens were carrying guns?
How many of the criminal homicides and unintentional shootings (97% of firearm deaths) vindicate justifiable homicides (3% of firearm deaths)?
It seems to me that more guns only equals more deaths period. Although I am sure if you spoke to many "criminal" shooters they could explain how their actions were justified as well.
Here are some headlines from this month alone about just accidental shootings:
And here is another website that covers more specifically the plethora of ways that people are killed with concealed weapons regularly, not just by accident.
Here is a link to access all the Supplemental Homicide Reports the FBI has to offer:
This video represents the 9149 homicides (including "justifiable"," unintentional", and "criminal") carried out last year involving concealed weapons. The center represents the 256 homicides classified by the FBI as "justifiable".